Site News 2002
Dec 26 - As you should have noticed, I registered the "" domain. For the time being, the site stays at the old server and the domain is only a redirection. I have added new Compilers and corrected links of old ones. Also changes in the Physics University section.
Nov 23 - Due to my mistake some people were not able to leave a message in my Guestbook. The problemis fixed now. Lots of new material at the Physics University section.
Nov 5 - Thanks to the tranlation by Joel, the PC-DVD pages now feature a French version of the DVD-2-DivX Guide for beginners which is included in the updated rippack v2.2.Also, the old Geocities guestbook was quite bad so I made a new one. Try Ecuador's Guestbook v1.0.
Oct 30 - Download AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.91 DX from the PC-DVD pages. Fun section downloads restored.
Oct 25 - Additons to the Physics University section.
Oct 13 - You should have noticed some changes on the main page links to the site sections. Specifically the adult links page has been removed, and can now be accessed through the general Links page. There are also an other couple of minor re-arrangements. New material can be found at the Physics University section.
Oct 5 - Download AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.9 DX from the PC-DVD pages. This release was not planned, but I didn't have time to finish the improved v3, so I decided to release a 2.9 version that fixes a couple of things and take my time releasing v3. November exam period schedule at the Physics University section.
Sep 27- The famous Peugeot 206 commercial with the cool indian music is added to the fun section. Also, new material at the Physics University section.
Sep 14 - New exam schedule available at the Physics University section. New audio/video clips at at the fun section (the entire "Star Mitsos" series).
Aug 1 - The latest department announcement and exam schedule available at the Physics University section. A new video clip at the fun section.
Jul 5 - AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.87 Deluxe is out and can be downloaded from the PC-DVD pages.
Jun 24 - AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.85 Deluxe features a simple resolution / aspect ratio calculator. Also, a completely rewritten DVD-2-DivX Guide for Beginners featuring DivX 5 2-pass encoding with XMPEG 4.5 that comes along with my Rip-Pack v2.0. Download all of them from the PC-DVD section.
Jun 12 - The latest exam schedule has been added to the Physics University section. Also a couple of new video clips for the fun section.
May 29 - AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.8 Deluxe is released and can be downloaded from the PC-DVD pages. The "Deluxe" addition to the name reffers to a couple of new features which are a WAV normalizer and a DivX 5 pro spyware disabler. A new rippack and guide will follow.
May 26 - After 3 years I had to move my site, since FTP access is no longer offered by Geocities for free websites and updating my site was virtually impossible. The good news is that there are no ads now except for my host's banner on this page. As for the updates, there are many broken links corrected or removed, very cool additions to the fun section (3 sound clips and 5 video clips/animations), new material for the Physics University section, and smaller things here and there...
Apr 2 - This is mostly a service update, correcting some broken links and uploads. Also there are some new Jokes.
Mar 10 - I have finally restored most of the site's files. I do not know for how long though... Also AVI Bitrate Calculator 2.7, can be downloaded from the PC-DVD pages. Some other sections like Physics University , Links and more have had an update.
Jan 9 - It's been a while, but I really don't have much free time at the moment. Sorry about most of my downloads not working, but the free servers aren't what they used to, they delete everything in a few hours, so I cannot keep up. Currently, only the files in the Physics University and PC-DVD are available. This is mainly a maintenance update, correcting links, deleting some and adding new ones. Also some additions in the Physics University pages.